A few of the Romanian players seem to be getting a little upset about the use of the word "Rotard", in the game. I don't understand why. That word doesn't apply to all Romanians, and they know it. So what is all the fuss about? Yes, there are a percentage of Romanians making a bad impression on the rest of us, but there are a LOT of Romanians playing the game so it's a lot of Romanians causing problems, and it's easy to single out that one group.
From the viewpoint of this league I can tell you that we have a fair number of Romanian players here, and very little problem with any of our members, let alone the Romanians. I've said a few times that the people who belong in the Disconnected League seem to find their own way here, and the ones who don't belong here seem to find somewhere else to belong. I rarely ever have to kick anyone out of this league. But, guess what? The two players who I have I kicked recently were Romanian, and true Rotards.
It doesn't take a genius to read the rules in our league, and as simple as they are, when Rule #2 is "Don't Get Scammed", do you think we're going to put up with scammers as members in this league? No, we aren't. What's more the guy that I helped to get kicked from the game lost a fairly high level character because of his scamming.
Healer-R-O, our most recent rotard had an EC3 level healer and when it was pointed out to him that his character would be banned from the game, he gave the gold back. No matter what, he isn't coming back to this league.
Anyway, Gene? Tali? And the others who are feeling insulted? I have a suggestion for you.
Why not give up your extortion of the Tibet epithet bosses for a little while and do something useful, like form a couple of language leagues for the summer. Teach these younger players what sort of behaviour is acceptable outside of the borders of Romania. I know very well what it can be like inside those borders, but now you're dealing with the rest of the world. A great deal of what is normal in your country, is not normal out here.
You never know, maybe all you need to do is change the behaviour of a few people before the rest start to get it. I wish you a lot of luck with that.
Edit: I don't very often point out the comments section on this blog, but this post has picked up a couple of very good comments from league members who happen to be Romanian.
- SpearDriver
ps, mainly excludes that I meant ALL romanians. just to make things clear, before some use their brain cells in a wrong way.
doesn't mean there are no kind romanians out there. ^^'
No nation is that great, they all nations have their retards it's only a matter of how many of them play... I may not like german players, poland players, hungarian players, but I don't start calling them names, calling names isn't better then the ones targeted... so calling one retarded doesn't make you a better person, calling an entire nation retards... now what that makes you? Smart or dumb?
As a person, and personal I don't really feel offended, but seriously let's just call every country a name, for RO is Rotards, for Germans is Nazi, UK Gay, etc ... why not be racist, like americans and black ppl ?
Calling names inside a league is bad, throwing out a person from the league because he/she is RO that is hypocricy, telling the RO players to do something for others just because you can't hunt Tibet bosses... just because you want so ... why didn't you ask other players from other countris the same?
Kicking out the the cheaters from the league yeah that should be done without any comment just like you guys kicked [o-o] that made >12 lvl in a LOS spot in ICY and was reported a million times on the forum and support but nobody cared to kick him out... oh he wasn't RO...
Cheers, retired until they fix the Strategist role until then I play Rappelz... at least Gpotato are less incompetents then Acclaim.
Since you placed it nice neat paragraphs, let me answer each one!
1)Dumb, but who here is calling an entire nation anything? In-game, some are, but we aren't.
2)You haven't been to America in a long time, I can tell. As for calling anyone anything in this game, we're all really damned tired of the scammers and too many of them are very visible as Romanians. Perhaps you too could take up my suggestion to teach the younger/newer Romanian players that such behaviour is not appropriate. I for one will thank you.
3)I can't get anywhere near those bosses yet and don't have the quests either, but many others can and they are tired of the "help".
As in, we can "help" you get that boss but we want the drops. If you don't want the help they'll just take the drops anyway.
That's not help, its in-game extortion and no other identifiable country group is involved in it. Although, both blacks and whites will offer that sort of "help".
4)Did you report "face" to me when he was in the league, and using nuker spots? Perhaps you should have? You know what I would have done about it. Anyway, he's not in the league any more.
5)Cheers, I hope to see you again soon. I tried Aika for a while, but didn't really like it enought to change.
ignore them. every nation has its fools and geniuses. And nuker spots? why bother, put a 24/1k hp leech bracer and you are good to go with any spot becoming a nuker spot. :P
Trust me you can't "teach" anything good to the new generation... or most of the RO community of 9D, it took me only 1 time to learn that being in a full RO league is a BIG NO NO, hearing 14 yo that he is drunk and proud on the league chat... is not quite my favorite topic...
Also the new generation ( same as Fu Gen ) in our country is bad to worse as most of them are acting like "Cocalars" http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=cocalar and the Emo kids that most of them acts like "Cocalars" anyway, yeah they are annoying I choose to ignore them they were ever present from ShiZang till Icy chat, best option Ignore them...
As for the new game I play the Rappelz ( as Aika is a no for europe anymore, has a great potential, but I am bored of mmo's, just that pet system is a real boost of morale I just like having a help killing mobs with me, the drops there are insane and their premium consists of a "deco" gatherer pet which is great on collecting drops from the ground... down side no XP events, upside a lot of IM gifts http://rappelz.gpotato.com/?m=news&t=events
They have a login event :)) talk about needing online players
I'll tell you why. For one, because there are enough players out there to justify the name-calling and that in itself is bad enough / hard enough to come to terms with. And for second because no matter how much you "don't mean all", it is still a generalisation and I for one am sent climbing up the walls by those.
Yes, there are tons of players out there who qualify. Yes, I always have second thought about inviting Ro players in the league. Yes, I avoid using Romanian on general chat when talking to them because I'd rather not be labeled by that. Still, I'd rather not hear that word used as an insult to anyone. If someone is retarded, call them that. If you make a rotard out of it, you're already implying an ethnic slur, like it or not.
And yes, I get pissed off when I hear that, even though I never react, because people using it like that are usually simply not worth my time.
Allow me to doubt that someone of any other nationality wouldn't feel bad when his people would be called names and then he'd get "oh, i know you're not (all like that)"... for tens of times if not hundreds. That pat on the back doesn't help much - and I am not what they usually call a patriot.
Well I can't add more to what Arashi said either. You know where I stand on it, SpearDriver.
Given the fact that you are not Romanian, any use of that term makes it sound xenophobic. It's just like the "nigga" controversy and the reason it is accepted amongst people of African origins.
You cannot put such labels if you are unable to sympathise with the situation. As a foreigner, you should know best what it's like to be pointed with the finger and set into a corner by a majority, and then, when there is a blame to throw, being the one blamed. The fact that you come from the "outside", or from a different cultural backround makes you an easy target in then, and it also makes you prone to unfair judgments.
Don't tell me "it's not a generalisation, not all are the same". That doesn't help. The thing that always remains after such generalisation is the label that's being put on you, not the exceptions.
In the end, even if you put the ammendment "not all are the same", it is still borderline (if not all-out) xenophobic and right-wing. It's a thin line you walk with such judgments, and it can be crossed without realising. I refrain myself from calling Germans supressed Nazis for the exact same reason. Regardless of what I might think of a lot of them.
Pointing out the fact with Germans and Nazis is plain stupid, sorry (how about the nazis in Holland, America, Italia, African countries etc.) In fact, just waited for this moment somebody using this weakness for his/her own argumentation.
It's dusty history. We're talking about a group of people nowadays.
dunno, hoppel... what about the retards in portugal, holland or poland? you're halfway there in getting it. all that's left is to see the similitude in the mechanism - both in the labeling and the defense. until you do so, you're only as quick to defend as you are to label while adding a condescending disclaimer to ease your conscience.
And again, it's a narrow-minded way of thinking saying Germans are Nazis! Yes?
Oh girly, in which century are you living? Do you really wanna compare the "insult level" of "nazi" and "rotard" while saying it's the same?
It's dusty history. I for one can't change it, other fellows neither, nor I'm proud of it.
However, you should read again: I quoted a romanian person I know quite well and know from others who think the same.
We're "discussing" about a generation nowadays!!
"what about the retards in portugal, holland or poland?"
Arguing "what about those guys..." or, "we're not the only ones..." is morally invalid. The catholic church just tried that same argument with regards to the pedophile priest scandal and only lost even more of any authority they may have once had.
The problems between the Romanian players and the general Bardo community has been building for weeks if not months, and it didn't start with the general Bardo community.
The problem of course is the non-stop scams perpetrated by a small number of young Romanian players. To repair the damage to the Romanian reputation we must stop these scams, one way or another.
Applying a broad insult to the Romanian players is obviously not helping, but stamping feet, pointing fingers and yelling 'RACISM' is also not helping solve the underlying problem.
You who can speak that language are obviously in the best place to stop the scammers. Buy their Dragon Scales and take screen shots. I will be happy to host those screen shots here, in an effort to "name them and shame them". You will also have to submit those screen shots to the game moderators in order to get those players kicked from the game.
Once the general community sees that a number of Romanian players are trying to clean up the situation, you'll probably start getting a lot of respect back. I would also suggest you make that word 'cocalari" commonly known, and it will probably replace 'rotard" fairly quickly, as you work to separate yourselves from them.
I'm sorry, I feel no Mesianic duty towards my people. I have no obligation to save anyone's reputation except my own and that of the people close to me.
There are people I would bet my account for, and i can count them on one hand. Most of them are, incidentally, fellow Romanians.
I am not a teacher, nor a Messiah, nor a prophetic figure. Damn, I left the country, remember?
nice outburst, hoppel. thank you for proving my point. had the case in point been 'belgian pedophiles' or 'swedish drunkards', i doubt you would've jumped that high. now, if your patriotic pride cooled down, re-read what i said and see that i never compared the insult level, but the mechanism of labeling and defending against labels. labeling is just as idiotic, regardless what the label is and people feel targeted regardless of whether the group label applies to them. or would you feel comforted if anyone would've said "MOST are"? :)))
anyway, not the case in point. i generally avoid pointless discussions and argumentation, experience teaches that those don't lead anywhere. and dj, i can change my fellow romanians as little as hoppel can change german history, i'm afraid. i'm sorry - i have neither the time nor the money to hunt out scammers in 9D, romanian or otherwise. as for the language and behaviour, that is always a game that requires two sides to play. ignoring has always been the best way to handle insults, eventually they get bored and buzz off. it's also my way of handling 'rotard-fans'. simply not worth the time or the fuss.
as i've once pointed out to a vgm who dreaded to log to bardo because of the large number of idiots encountered... we have the same percentage of idiots as the other servers, related to the entire population. being a crowded server the raw numbers are higher. same goes for the ro population - being such a large portion of the server population means they also supply a large percentage of the undesirables in the game. it's basic logic.
i for one am trying to do my part being a better individual. if anyone gets hit by sudden enlightenment that we're not all like that, fine by me. if not, i can live ignoring the pointing fingers just fine since i know where i stand and i waste as little thought to the ones doing it as they do when applying a generalisation.
... and that's about all. this has already been dragged too much in lenght :)
When someone writes ROtard in forum or in the game chat then it's hard to know what he really means by it.
You can't really read other people minds nor what they mean with the word. all you have is your own mind to figure that out...you can only assume, unless you are some incredible mind reader and i don't think there are any mind readers in 9Dragons.
There is only the word that is written to guide you, no voice, no body language. I doubt the text that accompanies that word has much context either. who can tell if writer is joking, saying it with deep hate or just going along with the wave and using it like any other word.
So all the basic information that slang word carries is "romania + retard". Doesn't matter what that word writer means really, because to the targeted nation people it sounds negative anyway. A retarted nation, retarded people.
Even if people don't mean with ROtard the whole country and it's people, then the word itself states otherwise. It's a matter of other people understanding, not the writer meaning. you can't control interpretation of others.
yeah someone found a way to point out the certain unlikable people with a catchy word...but it's too discriminating...racist word... unfortunately.
I can imagine how many scammers are in game from RO...but i don't think that other players should be the ones trying to solve the problem, especially if the game staff is rather apathic about it...and isn't the problem the result of the higher-ups doings anyway?
ah well, good luck to you all. hopefully that word doesn't live long and gets old and outdated as soon as possible.
I am not racist, and i never call some1 ROtard. I have many friends from RO in game and they are old players. I have just noticed that we have large amount of new players that come from Romania and most of them are kids with big mouth. I think when some1 say ROtard he think about them, not whole nation. IMO word rotard got specific meaning and my translate would be: man w/o honor. Just because of that fact that word have that meaning it hurts some1. If some1 call me SRBtard, or Gertard, Francetard, i would be proud not insulted. Suggestion for older RO players is to teach newbies some game manners and useful things how to gain money w/o scaming some1
. Teach these younger players what sort of behaviour is acceptable outside of the borders of Romania".
You are saying this as Romania it would be a bad country.
You are talking about the actions of a few kids, Kids that exist in all countries.
And this part, really offended me, as a Romanian player.
For example, 10 German people kill some people in reality, the whole population must be classified as killers?
DTB, These so called "cocalari" are people that listen to a genre of music called "manele" where they sing about how much money they have, about women, enemies etc, without having... any talent. And People that listen to that music start to act/dress like one, pissing of the rest of the people.
Sorry but I don't think our country is the only one that has kids with big mouths -.-.
Most of you really know how to offend someone... Really bad.
Because I am kinda pissed off reading some of the comments...
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