Thanksgiving 20/11 – 30/11  

Posted by RedCross in , ,

This new patch allows us to get gifts every day for next 10 days. During exp events we suppose to get some nice buffs too. There will be Item mall discount 33% and two new boosting items. Thanksgiving is also giving us a quest where we have to kill some specific mobs to get a book. Quest will end at your clan base and you will be gifted with mini-KG's and cool epithet. Because bardo collected 100% items on last Collection Quest, we will get 4x for 5 hours at this weekend.

Gifts & Buffs

Each weekend day you will receive +30 all attr, +100% speed and ck/kung fu attack rate +500

20/11 1x Ornament Separating tool *bugged*
21/11 3x All attribute Potions *bugged*
22/11 1x Experience bonus card *bugged*
23/11 3x Courier Transport *bugged*
24/11 3x Blood Siphon Panacea *works*
25/11 3x Lion Roar *works*
26/11 3x Summoning Bell *works*
27/11 3x Korean Ginseng *works*
28/11 3x Dried Mushroom *works*
29/11 1x Item bonus card *works*
30/11 1x Qilins mirror *works*

Regarding for bugged gifts the hermit wrote:

"Take the gifts as they come, Grasshoppers. We have requested that Indy21 patch the missed day's gifts in as additional days at the end of the month. I am hopeful they shall honor that request."

Event epithets

After finishing quests, you will get 8x Fresh Rice Cakes (mini KG's with 10% life). You have to be a clan member to be able to even try this quest, not for vagabonds. You can choose your epithet from following:

[Thanksgiving] Thanksgiving Nourishment
- 150 HP, +5 str, 5% AR, 5% speed, +5% crit

[Thanksgiving] Thanksgiving Compassion
- 150 VE, 5% CK ar, +5 wis. 5% speed, +5% crit

This entry was posted on Thursday, November 19, 2009 at Thursday, November 19, 2009 and is filed under , , . You can follow any responses to this entry through the comments feed .


Dosn't seem like pve dodge is caped for healers. I had a very comfy 5 min of grinding with 2.6k dodge.

November 20, 2009 at 9:30 AM

Mr. Chronos travelled through the time. *check check, if you kand back in the right time* :D

Nice overview. To bad though, I hoped for some other stuff like +15 cakes or so, instead of reduced premium "crap"(crap for me, good for those who aren't mall user).
But Nov 30th I can use at least some accounts to get tradeable (useful) items.

November 20, 2009 at 7:18 PM

lovin this event... too bad im off grind till after christmas xD
Gogo all, all DC lvl!
Have fun

November 20, 2009 at 8:49 PM

i c'ant get those items, its just me or it is for all?

November 22, 2009 at 7:30 AM

xena they are bugged.

The Hermit wrote:

Warriors, it seems there is a bug regarding the gifts (at least the Buff is working), and we await Indy21 to patch to fix the bug so that the rest of the prizes will come.

Unfortunately, their technicians were gone for the weekend before we learned there was an error in the time released gifts.

We shall sort the error out as soon as possible, and I am hopeful all of the gifts shall be delivered (albeit some may come late)

November 22, 2009 at 9:47 AM

Thanks Red, I take it some of these items are tradeable?

Are these items give to each character on an account? Or just one each per account?

And I take it you can date your computer and pick up everything at once? I´m sure that is how you figured out what each days item was...

I may have to spend an afternoon on a couple of accounts this week.

November 23, 2009 at 2:01 AM

Hi ScubaDriver :) Mini-KG's are tradeable, but we cannot get out those thanksgiving gifts because that gifting-system is totally bugged.

it supposed to be one try per one account.

plus we didnt get our 4x for 5 hours yesterday.. to be frank we didnt have any events at all, they will compensate at upcoming weekend

November 23, 2009 at 7:36 AM

you can timetravel with your computer but that system is based on server-time... means that your computer and their server times have to be in same date to make it work, well well well... even this doesnt work, so we are without any gifts

November 23, 2009 at 7:38 AM


How typical of Acclaim or Indy.

Honestly, they need to hire us to test their patches.

I´m going diving.

November 25, 2009 at 3:21 PM

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