Warda seems intent on making this collection event a weekly item and I don't mind, if she thinks she can keep up the pace, and keep the volunteers motivated to help. She might have to listen to those volunteers in order to keep them motivated, but at the moment that isn't really happening. One specific thing the volunteers asked for was to make this a monthly event, rather than weekly, and I can see how that would help to avoid burnout.
Warda needs to remember that "it's not leadership, if they aren't following..."
I forget who said that.
Anyway, the second collection event is on and we've now had three versions of the collection list. The first two lists would have been impossible to complete because the first version included a non-tradeable item, and the second list included needles. Needles are so rare. I've taken 3 characters past that mob and I did collect these items to sell in Hefei. Between my 3 characters I didn't get 1000 needles and I worked hard to collect them.
The current version of the collection is doable, but it includes one very expensive item, Red Passes of Tian-Yin, the Silver Coins dungeon on the Nanchang map. Good luck with that, but I'll admit that it is doable if someone is willing to donate.
Here is the current version of the full list;
Have fun with it, and enjoy the event next weekend. My wife and I are going scuba diving for two weeks. I'm taking my laptop with me and I will check in from time to time, but probably won't post much. The Thanksgiving event should start while I'm gone and I would like to have those usual gift items, so you may see my characters in game from time to time. My laptop is slow though so those characters will probably be parked in a quiet area of the clan map, to avoid my usual disconnection problem when I use my laptop. I'll see you all in two weeks.
Edit: Just checking in from Mexico and things look good for this event. As was predicted those Red Passes were pretty much impossible to collect and Warda has carried that item over to the second list. That's not a bad compromise in my opinion. From the looks of that second list you'll have no problem getting a really good event next weekend. Have fun.
- SpearDriver
This entry was posted
on Monday, November 16, 2009
at Monday, November 16, 2009
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congratulations!!!! we did it! 100% and 4x will be for 5 hours at weekend for 2 days
November 19, 2009 at 7:50 PM
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