I think I mentioned that I'm on vacation at the moment, but I am trying to check in once in a while. I noticed that there is a double bonus coins event going on for the Thanksgiving weekend and because I'm in the American zone I thought I would buy coins. There is a pricing difference between the American zone and the European zone, as we described in this post.
At the moment the Euro/USD exchange rate is over 1.51 dollars to the Euro and at that rate we in Europe can buy 98 coins per US dollar. Even here in Mexico where I'm vacationing I can get 120 coins per US dollar and that is not an insignificant number of coins. I was planning to buy $200 worth and the pricing difference adds up to 4400 coins. That's more than the price of a 90 day premium package!
Acclaim knows about this situation. I have personally emailed all of the important people and the GM's have passed on the messages too. TheHistorian and even The Hermit are ignoring the issue hoping that it will go away. This isn't going to go away. For market reasons the US dollar will continue to decline in value over the next few years. The pricing difference on coins will just get worse as the dollar declines.
Anyway, I tried to use my credit card to purchase coins, the same credit card that I have always used on this account but my purchase was denied because of an IP mismatch. This is one of the methods that vendors use to reduce credit card fraud. Eventually I was able to speak to the help desk people about this but they weren't authorized to change anything.
I'm starting to think that Acclaim really doesn't want my money.
- SpearDriver
I haven´t had any extra charges on my credit card bill, but that could help to explain why we are paying more for coins, but it doesn´t make up the almost 20% price difference.
As for ¨customer service¨, I have a few scuba stories to tell from this week.
As for the story getting out, over 1000 unique people have read this blog in the last 30 days. There is no way Acclaim can hide this stuff.
Hi Spear. Its been quite sometime for me I have not been playing 9D but I am frequently checking your blog as always. and I must stop to comment on the phrase "acclaim does not want your money".
First of all, Acclaim is terrible at managing games, you will not know how terrible they are unless you actually feel the customer support of another game. If they have monkeys for support team, we might get a better service.
After 1 year playing this game and paying money for 4 accounts. One day acclaim comes and changes their payment system, supposedly an update! Well guess what I can not buy coins anymore :) My credit card is from Lebanon and they whitelisted it before, but in the new system they can not do anything, after several emails and online support the result was "sorry but we can not do anything" so basically they do not want my money anymore!
Moroever they have the stupid Click&Buy method when is almost off all the time and they promise to fix it for months, it comes and goes. so I decided to sadly ditch this game because of Acclaim. Since 3 month or a little more I am playing Jade Dynasty, I told you that once in the game when we met if you can recall (sandmik char name). I must say it is by far a better game and much better managed, you guys should consider creating your league there. A quick overview of how JD is different.
1.Server crashes (never happen :))
2.They promised an update and they had a progress indicator on their website with percentage finished and they announced the date like 1 month before the update date and they met it, unlike the famous acclaim motto "soon".
3.Game has a wonderful Pet System, where you have pets to help you with grind, you can even capture rare pets.I can talk for hours about pets, there are types, signs, different skills, traits of pets. You can also upgrade your pet and it transforms to different stronger forms, but the process is lengthy.
4.Game has mounts for speed benefits, there is a new dragon multi player mount, but very very expensive. You can cary girls on your mount.
5.It has Skyblades where you can fly in the game, you can cary girls and fly.
6.Factions (or roles in 9D) are actually really balanced :) you play knowing that you have a fair chance in PvP, if something is wrong, they fix it right away.
7.Battleground feature where you do two teams and you play PvP sessions to win over the other side, fun.
8.Clans can challange each other in PvP anytime
9.Refining system is better, not only for weapons but for all your gear and it has two ways to refine.
10.Auto Bot feature in game :) Grinding is not the main thing in the game, it is one aspect, for all those adults who work, like myself, you can set your character to autogrind, this allowed me to easily play Jade Dynasty at work, while 9D requires your full attention.
11.This game worth your money, unlike 9D, however to be fair, It is more cash shop dependent than 9D, especially if you want to reach high levels.
12. You have realms in JD (like multiple servers) to distribute the players load on the system
13.Transformations, your char can transform to different forms, usually mobs.
14.Fishing :) You can do fishing in the game and there are fishing competitions, you get lots of goodies.
15. Master/disciple. Acclaim has been promising this for ages!!, Master and Disciple get an additional set of skills.
16.Clan skills that you only get when you join a clan (a group)
17.You have concepts like Honor/Romance/Courage/Charity which you acquire by certain quests and they give you additional benefits and some give you additional skills, charity you get for power leveling people.
18.You can get married in this game :) and you and your spouse will have special skills common to both of you.
19. Combo skills
20.Gardening :)
21. Crafting system is better in JD (like collections in 9D).
22. Quests sytem is much better. With reminders if you want of events and a page to see the current quests you can get. Also quests
have links inside of them sometimes that autoroute you to where you are supposed to go.
23. This is very very good: If you want to sell an Item, you send a link to it, everybody can open it and see its detailed description instead of you having to write things in your roar about it, you simple click on your item and a link is generated in your roar that anybody can click and check out the actual item.
24. Very minimal bugs, I only know of 1 atm, and your daily life in JD does not include talk about crashes and bugs...
25.Medidation, if you do not want to do anything, medidate, continously gane small xp amounts.
things 9D much better than JD:
1.Lightfoot is much better in 9D
2. Titles or epis in 9D are useless in JD, no extra attibutes.
3.The attributes system of 9D may be better, I haven't made up my mind yet. You decide in 9D what to do when you level with ur attributes, but in JD you do not. However in JD you have skills points and tome points, much more advanced than 9D.
4. Bag sucks in JD, very small, and you must use Cash shop items to increase it, however Cash shop items are all tradable and sellable to other players, so you can live without Money, and if you think you can not, then you have an Ingame banker, which is like a mini stock market to exchange Game gold for Cash shop gold :) the prices
are determined by demand and supply, very smart system.
5. Dungeons by far much better than JD.
6. In 9D you can choose the clan you like (looks and cloth and stuff) and choose the role you like in that clan. in JD each clan or faction, looks and is different.
I took my time to write this :) I hope you had the time to read it. I am so angry at acclaim for many reasons I will not write them down here, but the last one (I am unable to pay!)
is by far the worst one! what sort of a company can not control its payment gateway!
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