Some of us have heard good news for this week's compensation events. For Example today's lucky cricket will be better than just 2x for 2 hours and we will see some nice buffs too.
Last Sunday we all were waiting 4x for 5 hours in Bardo, because we had completed the collection quest for that week. But thanks to GM's technical problems with their tools and whole event was postponed for this weekend. Rumors say that compensation event will be better than what it originally was supposed to be.
update: Lucky Cricket was 3x for 2 hours + 4x for extra 25 min. Yet again Liaodong crashed down for 45 min, so they compensated extra 1 hour with 4x in LD. We didnt receive buffs.
update2: At Thursday we had 13 hours of 2x (6PM till 7AM GMT) as a thanksgiving turkey ;) We got +15 all attr and +50% speed buffs few times during that exp event.
update3: At Sunday we will have 5x for 5 hours! starting from 2PM till 7 PM GMT (starts 2 hours earlier than usual exp events). Saturday event might be 2x or 3x.
This entry was posted
on Friday, November 27, 2009
at Friday, November 27, 2009
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