Rumors from the IRC channel  

Posted by SpearDriver in , ,

There is a new patch in the testing stage, but no date on it for release to us. According to the Hermit there is new quest material at the very least, probably related to a Halloween event. I'll keep you updated as I get more information.

30.10 – 1.11 Halloween Carnival of Souls in Hefei!
Eerie Corpses and Ghosts will soon appear in Hefei! Scaring Noobs to death! Enjoy our exciting Halloween festival! Quests and Reward items aplenty.
Hunt down and free Lost Souls and receive
Watery Fruit Sweet, Milk Sweet, Honey Sweet, Pumpkin Hats and permanent Carnival Of Souls Masks!
And that’s not all... Special Buffs that one may
only receive during this Carnival Of Souls!

10/30(Fri) 12:00~24:00
10/31(Sat) 00:00~24:00
11/01(Sun) 00:00~18:00

Click here to see how those Sweeties and Pumpkin hat looked like at last year.

pumpkin hat = all stat +10, dmg/ckdmg +200, speed +15%
halloween mask = hp +100, ve +100, speed +10%, permanent

Update: The candles and pumpkins will drop from all mobs in all maps, but right now that drop rate is really, really low. Still, this means you don't have to chase the ghosts in Hefei except to do the Wan Day quest for the pumpkin hat.

You can trade the candles and pumpkins for sweets or even a Carnival of Souls mask that is both permanent and sellable. Take your candles and pumpkins to the Master of Hats for that trade.

This entry was posted on Monday, October 26, 2009 at Monday, October 26, 2009 and is filed under , , . You can follow any responses to this entry through the comments feed .


Hy guys..
that's a nice eulogy u wrote about me back there :p..BUT..i would like to correct some mistakes boss have made in the post..

1) i was not using a training software from the net..i was simply using this program called Joy2Key..i am sure u all heard of just turns ur joy pad input into a keyboard input..

of course it a has a nice little twist..if u hold the joy pad button (now its assigned to a key board button) it will still auto shoot it in game unlike the keyboard of course..

this program is official and 100% virus free..i have a great gaming rig so it can work with various numbers of antimaleware//antispyware//antivirus programs in the same time..i tell u...if a Cyper fly tries to as much as fly next to my will be fried :p..

2) i quite the game not because i got hacked..not mainly at least..but because i am in medicine school now and frankly..this game is a big time eater..i can't concentrate on what's important (studying) while playing this i was waiting for a chance to do this in a loooong time..

just wanted to make it clear wasn't a training program again..(it's not like i could find one lol :p)

finally sorry to post here..but i think that's the first place people will look :D..

have fun all..and i think i will still talk to u through our great blog here..i am still DC man so don't count me out just yet :D

October 28, 2009 at 2:55 AM

Are your sure the masks are sellable? I cant seem to drop/trade/stall my mask.
Anyone coming to Dogs or lore event too?
Cya in game

October 29, 2009 at 3:24 PM

i have still not come in-game in the new patch lol... I have the day off tomorrow. Maybe i will look at it then. Now i'm busy finding out what education programme i'm going on for high school.

October 29, 2009 at 9:43 PM

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