It was a few months ago that goodgrrrl wrote a very good article about the "all attributes weapons" collection, and I thought I would bring up the topic again because we're getting a few more players in this range. There are have been a few changes since then too, and the collections don't give you the same weapons they used to give.
That article is highly recommended reading if you are high SM or GB levels, or higher. You're going to get a lot of weapons drops over the next little while and they are valuable. Even if you don't make all the weapons collections, other players may not get the weapon they need so yours will be sellable.
What you basically need to know is that a GB 12 Blood Dragon weapon can be used to make the "all attributes" weapons. These are EC 6 crit/bleed/disorientation weapons. At the time this collection came out you used to get an FC level weapon, as it says in goodgrrrl's post. Right now an all attributes weapon is EC level.
The one exception in this collection is the all attributes bracers which need the EC 6 BD Bracers and not the GB 12 BD Bracers, like you might expect. I don't know why there is an exception for the bracers.This works out really well for us because with the second role there are new skills available that come with the second role and I like the idea of having a new weapon to work with. As I mentioned recently, my AxeDriver character is currently using a spear because that is the best weapon I have in my collection. He's going back to an Axe, a critical hit Axe, just as soon as he gets to EC 6 and gets that 2nd role and the new skills.
The good news is that the party doesn't stop here. You need to collect all of the EC 6 BD weapons, because you'll be able to make an FC 6 "Colorful Flowers" weapon. You'll have the same choices of crit/bleed/disorientation for your weapon and again even if you don't make that collection, the EC 6 BD weps are selling well.
This party just keeps rolling! You should collect all of the EC 12 BD weps in order to make your own CS 6 crit/bleed/disorient weapons. Usually you only make these for your own characters because they are traded at the clothing seller inside the clan base. The number of flowstones needed to make the CS is very high and I had to go buy a whole bunch in order to make a CS 6 15% crit spear for SpearDriver. I was a little bit disappointed to find out that even though it is CS level, it does less damage than my +9 WD GB spear.
After this I can only guess because I don't have the trade yet, but I am told that fc 12, cs 12, and gl 12 are used in trades as well.
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on Wednesday, April 15, 2009
at Wednesday, April 15, 2009
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