The coming week  

Posted by SpearDriver in , , , ,

Games Campus, the publisher of 9D Germany is planning a few things for this coming week, but we don't have too many details yet, just a couple of Twitter and forum posts that aren't too specific. They've been pretty good so far about giving us useful details in advance of events and such, and I'm sure that will continue.

They seem pretty impressed with themselves over their ability to deal with the goldsellers and spammers in their version of the game. I'll give them credit too, I have rarely seen a spammer in Hefei in the few weeks the server has been running.

Am Montag geht unser offizielles Statement zum Thema Goldseller raus. Mit breitem Grinsen wurde der Pressetext eben abgesegnet.

"On Monday our official statement concerning goldsellers will be given out, with a big grin!"

I'm looking forward to see what they have to say.

In a forum post that is slowly getting buried, Camlost gave us a few more ideas about what is to come this week, but again there weren't too many details.

Nächste Woche kommt noch etwas mehr, oder anders gesagt eine Menge mehr.

Am Montag starten wir ein Event, das allen Kreativköpfen unter euch die Chance geben wird, einen schönen Batzen CC zu verdienen.

Im Lauf der Woche werden wir dann auch erste Details zum nächsten Patch herausgeben, der einiges an Neuem bringen wird, ich sage nur Blutige Ebene, eiserne Hasen und Japaner.

"Next week will come a little more, or better said, a lot more."

"On Monday we're starting an event that will give our creative types a chance to win Campus Credits."

"During the week we'll give out more details about the next patch, which will bring news about Bloody Plains, iron rabbits and Japanese."

That last sentence has got my attention more than the information about "creative types". I'm a reasonably good writer but do you notice there isn't always a lot of imagery in my posts?

I'm not sure what "Bloody Plains" is about but iron rabbits is obviously a reference to the coming Chinese New Year which is on February 3rd this year. It will be the Year of the Rabbit.
The "Japanese" is obviously a reference to the Liaodong map, and I"m sure looking forward to that. I'm running out of grinding spots.

It'll be fun to see if the Games Campus people can do a better job of their next patch then the GamersFirst people did on theirs. Some of the errors in the G1 patch were quite amusing, NPC's are missing, vagabond lightfoot is broken, and the incredible new anti-hacker plan doesn't do a darned thing! You can read about those problems here.

Anyway, if anyone finds more on the coming Games Campus events please post in our comments, and I'll edit the good stuff into this post.

- AxtTreiber

This entry was posted on Sunday, January 16, 2011 at Sunday, January 16, 2011 and is filed under , , , , . You can follow any responses to this entry through the comments feed .


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