This new version of the game is totally German, and that is obviously going to be a problem for some people. It was mentioned in the comments section yesterday that you can replace the NDTEXTDB_DE.XSD in your game folder/data/script with the US version of that file, and you get everything in English again, except the new material.
The tutorial map, Zhangzhu, is completely new so I don't recommend you replace that text file until you've finished the grind on the first map. It's heavily quest based and the text goes missing if you replace the German text file with the English language file. To help players with that new material we've put together a quest guide. Anyone with any corrections or more information is invited to post in the comments section and I'll add things as I get them.
Like usual, all quests start with the large blue exclamation mark, and further steps in the quest use a question mark. Just keeping that in mind makes each quest easy. I'll give the German language name of the quest and a simple translation, and the NPC name where the quest starts.
Erste Begegnung (First Meeting): Tan Xiao (Tutorial/Collections)
You get told to distribute your 10 attribute points, and come back.
Reward: gold, xp
Bitte von Tan Xiao (Request from Tan Xiao): Tan Xiao
You are given beginners Lightfoot and Meditation. Deliver food to her Father, then back to Tan. She then explains meditation, chi breathing, etc.
Reward: xp
Gib eine Waffe (Give a Weapon): Tan Xiao
Tan sends you to the Hermit, where you select black or white clans, and then the actual clan. He gives you a weapon too.
Reward: a weapon, xp
Anfanger-Axtangriff (Beginner Axe Attack): Hermit (Accupressure Buffs)
The Hermit sends you to your clan trainer for your first active skill. Other forms of this quest name depend on the weapon type, such as Schwertangriff (Sword Attack). You don't just talk to your clan trainer, you select a skill from him and then go train on the training posts nearby.
Reward: xp
If you chose to go vagabond in the game you'll have these 2 quests forever marked as incomplete because you didn't select a clan from the Hermit in Gib eine Waffe. It is still safe to do the Gib eine Waffe Quest though. Doing this quest does not make you a clan member. That is still handled the old fashioned way for each clan.
Bitte von Wei Wu Min (Request from Wei Wu Min): Wei Wu Min (Innkeeper)
Kill 5 foxes.
Reward: LS4 relic, gold, xp
Sabelberg, Schwertwald (Saber Mountain, Sword Forest) Wei Wu Min
Talk to 2 women of the village.
Reward: xp
Der Wunsch eines Madchens (A Little Girls Wish): Wei Xiao Wo (Little Girl)
Collect a fox hair and a fox tail. (with so many people starting the game now, you don't even have to kill a couple of foxes. just go pick the items up from the ground...)
Reward: lollipops, xp
Schwester des kleinen Madchens (Sister of the Little Girl): Wei Xiao Wo
Deliver a hair brush from the little girl and get told off by her older sister.
Reward: xp
Mittlepunkt der Welt (Mid-point of the World): Wang Xiao Ri (Wan Daye's Servant)
Go to Hefei and speak to Wan Daye.
Reward: Bambu Roll, xp, 4 pocket 50 Defence clothes
Das Land ist in Aufruhr (The Land is in Uproar): Tan Xiao
Go talk to your clan trainer. Wannabee BoT get sent to Kill 3 Moonkids. Other clans might have a different target.
Reward: LS2 relic, xp
Besuch bei der Liga der Bettler (Visit the Beggars): Zhu Shi (Beggar Clan)
A beggar tries to distract wannabee black clan players. I'm sure the stinking white clans get the better treatment from a clan trainer from our side. Too bad they never listen. Oh well, we'll just have to kill them. (but you'll still have to go to the Beggar map to finish this quest)
Reward: xp
Das Land ist in Aufruhr II (The Land is in Uproar): Wei Xiao Wo
The Little Girl sends you to talk to a few clan trainers.
Reward: xp
Einem jungen Mann Arbeit Verschaffen I, II, III, IV (Create Work for a Young Man): Xiao Jin Lai (Storekeeper)
This is the stupidest series of quests ever. Just follow the quest marks and click through them. You will have to run to Hefei and speak with a couple of NPC's to get a pretty good relic.
Reward: gold, xp, backpack, relic
Hanstoff von Xiao Guo Xiao (Hemp Cloth of Xiao Gu Xiao): Xiao Gu Xiao (Seamstress)
Collect 5 pieces of cloth from female bandits.
Reward: xp pill, xp
Das Gepack von Fang Yuan (Backpack of Fang Yuan): Fang Yuan (Shao Clan)
Talk to the Sacred Flowers Clan Trainer, then get the backpack from the Moonkids.
Reward: 2 relics, xp
Der Bergkonig (The Mountain King): Tan Xiao
Talk to the village headman.
Reward: relic, xp
Hilfe von unbekanntem alten Mann (Help from an old man): Hermit
Change your point distribution if needed.
Reward: none
Kiste der Banditen (Bandits Chest): Tan Xiao
Collect Bambuspfanne and return them to Tan Xiao.
Reward: Bamboo Item, xp
Besuch bei der Bruderschaft (Visit the Brotherhood): Chuan Lang
Just like it says, go talk to an NPC on the clan map. Each clan has a version of this quest.
Reward: xp
Das Hobby des Dorfobersten (Hobby of the Village Headman): Wei Chun Xin
Talk to the Hunter and kill 5 each of 2 types of wolves.
Reward: gold, xp
Das Gegengift fur den Vater (Antidote for a Father): Wei Xiao Wo
Talk to the doctor and kill 5 snakes.
Reward: xp pill, xp
Im Kampf Getotet (Died in Battle): Wan Xiao Ri
Talk to the big sister, and get told off again. Hey, it's free XP.
Reward: xp
Hilfe fur den Toa-Alchemisten (Help for the Taoist Pharmacist): Xiao Zhi You
Collect 8 firewood from the stumps at 137, 208. Collect 5 Wild Gingseng at 123, 90
Reward: level 1 elixir, xp
Alter Weiser in Bambus-Wald (Old Wise One in the Bamboo Forest): Wei Wu Min
Go talk to the Hunter.
Reward: xp
Gestohlener Honig I, II, III (Stolen Honey): Wei Chun Xin
Go talk to the Hunter again, and again. Buy him a bottle of the blue liquor. Then he talks. Eventually you get the orders to go kill the bear.
Reward: xp, epithet
Kung Fu Trainieren (Everybody was Kung Fu Fighting!!! Ooo, Ah!!!): Wei Jin Xiao
Go talk to various NPCs (again).
Reward: gold, xp
Die Axe mit Zermalmendem Chi (The Axe with Grinding Chi): Tan Xiao
Talk to various NPC's, including one in Hefei, about the weapon that can split a massive rock.
Reward: xp
Den Felsen zerstoren (Destroy the Rock): Jiang Qibao
You get a windgram from Hefei to pick up a weapon in the village. Destroy the rock and save the kidnapped soldier by killing 6 each of 2 types of Bandit.
Reward: gold, xp
Chi an andere ubertragen (Donating Chi): Xiao Zhi You
Talk to the Hermit. He makes you Chi Breathe.
Reward: xp
Verruckte Banditen (Insane Bandits): Tan Xiao
Kill 10 Bandits
Reward: strength ambrosia, xp
Plotzlicher Tod am Platz (Sudden Death): Tan Xiao
Kill the Mountain King Zhang Zhong.
Reward: xp, epithet
Die Ankunft des Drachen (The Beginnings of a Dragon): Tan Xiao
Every NPC on the map wants to talk to you because you're a hero.
Reward: Ginseng powder, xp
Bier Trinken (Drinking Beer): AxtTreiber
Go get a beer. You earned it.
Reward: beer
And that ends our not so short tour of the Zhangzhu, or the Diamond Mine as it's sometimes called. I hope this guide helps. You know, we're always looking for good writers and artists for this blog. If you would like to help out, please let me know.
- AxtTreiber (and RedCross for that awesome graphic!!!)
This entry was posted
on Saturday, November 27, 2010
at Saturday, November 27, 2010
and is filed under
9D Germany,
. You can follow any responses to this entry through the
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ty vm guys
November 28, 2010 at 5:31 AM
I got stuck with only one quest, with no clue what to do next, just because it was bugged (because next day, after patch I entered the area without a problem).
November 28, 2010 at 8:18 AM
Thank u for the guide :) Now I have a good reason to get back to 9D. See u guys in game :)
November 28, 2010 at 9:25 AM
i guess u all are playing black chars in 9d ger? :)
November 28, 2010 at 1:18 PM
neutral and black
November 28, 2010 at 2:16 PM
woah look who's back from the shadows O_O
November 28, 2010 at 4:22 PM
Chief, why am I banned from IRC?^^
November 29, 2010 at 8:45 PM
that's a gamesurge thing... just keep trying till you get in ;)
November 30, 2010 at 1:22 PM
quests were nice. :) back to gamersfirst now
December 5, 2010 at 9:27 PM
Fem - LoB - Healer
December 19, 2010 at 1:20 PM
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