9dragons status check  

Posted by RedCross in ,

So here's the list whats going on with GamerFirst's 9dragons for two weeks in a row:

- GM tools not working in the way they should
- Maps being crashed and unable to being restarted
- No exp events in past 2 weeks, till Indy manages to launch a new patch
- No sign about template characters nor database recovery process
- plus errorcode, spammers, hackers, scammers, macroers... and disconnects!

They like to postpone important things


This entry was posted on Thursday, November 18, 2010 at Thursday, November 18, 2010 and is filed under , . You can follow any responses to this entry through the comments feed .


It hurts to say but old Disconected is dying if not dead...
I had a great time and i hope the comunication does not die aswell i realy miss 9d also but most of all i miss you all and still theres nothing new that could give us hope to go back to the old times...
Oh well anyway im trying to create some kind of chat to the league if actualy manage to do so please show up.

November 22, 2010 at 11:36 PM

disconnected is no more in G1 version, some of us still plays with their newborn characters but most of us are gone, founders, submasters, active crew, gone.

we would be back already if they had given us our old acclaim characters..

its good to have a memorial chat once in a while between old disconnecters :)

November 23, 2010 at 5:04 AM

We're not quite gone. Gehrk, Fernando, TS, and myself are still playing, although much less than before. We have a basic league setup and we even have a pretty good donor account.

But yeah, it's not what it once was and that's a damned shame.

Some of us are still regulars on the IRC channel. If you want to chat you can find a link to us in the top bar of the blog.

November 23, 2010 at 3:14 PM

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