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I think we're up to the 9th edition of these collection quests, but who knows anymore. Some of them have been great and others were a total flop, like the last one. I sure hope the VGM's have got their shit together for this one.
For our newer players who don't know what a collection quest is, let me just say that it is a chance to get filthy rich if you've been picking up your drops along the way. The VGM's will put out a list of 15000 items to be collected and turned into them at the event stage in Hefei. That will be 1000 each of 15 different items that regularly drop from mobs. Some of the items are easier than others.
So, how do you get rich from that? The VGM's will give you Conqueror's Cave chest keys in return for the useless stuff you turn in. The last few times they gave keys at the rate of 1 key per 35 items, and that's a lot of keys if you've been collecting. Those keys easily sell for 8 to 10 million gold each. Imagine making 10 million gold for every 35 cotton pouches, or silk pouches, or bear paws, or spider shells.
Yes, it's that easy. You new, low level players don't have to sell your Blood Essences or Golden Threads to get rich, and you shouldn't either.
This first list usually comes out on Sunday night at midnight GMT, and we'll have until late Tuesday night to finish that list. On Tuesday night at midnight GMT we'll get our second list and we'll have until Friday to finish that list. You will be able to see the lists on a public GoogleDoc.
On top of that, if we actually complete both lists we'll get one hell of a good experience event next weekend. Completing both lists usually gives us 5x experience for both Saturday and Sunday. If we only get part of the list we can expect something less than 5x, but what we get will depend on how well we can finish the lists.
You've heard me say in league chat to "collect all your drops". This is why. And really, how hard is it to tap your space bar a couple times after each kill? Now let's go get rich, and let's get a good event for next weekend.
Update: [GM]Fugen is making an effort to get the price of Blood Essence down, somehow. His latest grand idea is to give away 1 BE for every 30 drops donated in this collection event. The total number of drops collected is 30k, so the VGM team will be giving away 1000 BE in the next few days.
I've got some bad news for Fugen. I sold 2 stacks of BE last night, over 500 of them for 7.5kk each and they sold fast. Adding 1k BE to the game isn't going to change the price of that item even one little bit. But, I'm happy to take his BE and I have a lot of stuff to donate.
The experience rates have been decided too, and are as follows.
- 50% valid items: The experience rate will be boosted x2 for 4 hours.
- 75% valid items: The experience rate will be boosted x3 for 4 hours.
- 100% valid items: The experience rate will be boosted x5 for 4 hours.
The actual start time for the extended event will be 1500 GMT both Saturday and Sunday and the list is now out. I think this will be a doable list, depending on the Tibet grinders.
- SpearDriver
math fail.
I was given 30 BE, out of the 1k BE that are ready to go.
It should motivate our lowby types to finally start picking up their drops though. For those guys, 30 BE is an awful lot of money.
Unless everyone who passes through the Miao Secret Needles saves their drops for the collection quest, it won't be doable. Even then, their stacks would be depleted in no time. Those 3 I gave were all I had. Besides those mobs are ranged and even green hurt much worse than the following orange mobs. Add to that the fact that they're tightly packed on a relatively small area... you won't see 1000 pieces happening too often.
Didn't know my BE's were so much worth.
Anyway, Acclaim missed the right moment to stop inflation, now they only can watch (and hope).
Fugen is only throwing more fuel to the fire :) Like hoppel said, its a bit too late to get back for old <1kk prices
He's going to have to put an NPC BE seller into to the game to crash those prices.
The thing is, he could do it step by step lowering the price of BE, while soaking up extra gold in the game. The NPC BE's will go away on their own as The Refining Bitch takes them away from players.
The price of GT hasn't come down because it's not an end product, the same as BE is not an end product.
The end product of GT is the defense clothing, and you have to level up to get those clothes, or know someone. Those clothes are still really freaking expensive, so the GT is expensive too. As more people level up and more clothes come to the market, prices of both the clothes and the GT will come down.
In the same way, high refined weapons are expensive or simply "not for sale", like my spear. So BE will continue to be valuable until there are more high refined weapons, or "end product" in the game.
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