It's always a popular category on this blog and I'm going to have to change the build on my hybrid a bit, so it's time for another post on the topic. A hybrid build isn't quite as simple as a warrior build.Let me show you my warrior build and you will see what I mean. I maxed out my strength and dexterity ages ago. Since then I've only been adding to Constitution. For a PvE warrior, that's all I need. With HP ornaments that character is now basically unkillable even when grinding on orange mobs, as long as he's hitting something.
A hybrid build isn't quite that simple though because you have options for things like nukes, which are really helpful, but they're useless without Wisdom or Essence. Of course you want to be able to play a normal grinding game too, so you need Strength and Dexterity as well. The one break that we get as hybrid players is the Constitution self buff. Most players don't add any chi points to Constitution. Unfortunately, that doesn't work anymore.A few weeks ago there was a change to the dungeon bosses and most of them now hand out a major all attributes penalty. The Golden Coins Mansion boss will quite happily debuff you, and give you a minus 47 all attributes penalty. I used to be able to solo that dungeon, but with only enough Constitution for relics I would go to my knees if I even went near that guy now. For the next few levels I'll be add to Constitution. I pay for premium too, and that buff doesn't get taken away by the Mansion boss debuff so I think a base of 50 Con should be enough.
I'll let you know when I get there.
- SpearDriver
This entry was posted
on Wednesday, June 2, 2010
at Wednesday, June 02, 2010
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As you can see from Squirrel's post there are a lot of ways to go about building a hybrid. I like to think that my current build on AxeDriver is a "balanced" build.
I can melee grind all day, but with the right clothes, relics and my WD GB bracers I can go nuking too, if I want to.
June 2, 2010 at 4:44 PM
BTW, what the fuck is the point with the server copy thing in the coin store?... 14K coins is A LOT... better to use them on prems and other stuff
June 3, 2010 at 3:13 PM
You could change to Asura for instance, but a few people have used that get away from Asura too.
It's that price because it has to be done manually by the GM's, and takes a fair bit of time.
June 3, 2010 at 4:54 PM
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