Let's talk about you and me, let's...
Oh, never mind. I never was that good at hip-hop. But I'm playing with some people who take this game seriously and they know that party members have to share all possible buffs among other members of the party. Check this out, more than 4 bars full of buffs...
You want a breakdown?
The first row is a True General Wei war buff, next is an event buff from last Saturday (yes, I saved those and haven't played this character since last Saturday), next is the Halloween event buff, then Advanced Meditation, then my Epithet, then Basic Bandits Protection.
In the second row I have a coin mall experience card, a clan Yin-Yang damage buff, and then a bunch of normal healer buffs. The healer buffs continue into the 3rd row, and the third item in that row is healer damage resistance buff (Yin and Soul I think). Next come the External Wounds resistance buff, the premium Hermit buff and a normal Hermit buff.
The 4th bar starts with the usual hybrid all attributes buff, a reflection buff and a damage reduction buff. Next is a Body and Soul damage buff from a nuker, my own 5 minute warrior damage buff (it's more popular than you can imagine. a lot of players will grind near you just for this buff) and then a damage reduction buff from a Sacred Flowers hybrid.
In the 5th bar (yeah, a 5th bar!) is a Sacred Flowers reflection buff and then my own Advanced steps buff. The last bar is the usual clan elixir buff, in this case Rage.
And you wondered why Brotherhood of Thieves warriors can kill so fast? Buffs baby, Buffs!
- SpearDriver
This entry was posted
on Friday, October 30, 2009
at Friday, October 30, 2009
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