One of the nice things about playing out of Linbei on the Hangzhou map is that you can meet some really high level players there. There are a number of quests and dungeons that start in that village so players from both white and black clans can meet there in peace.If you ask nicely for buffs, you never know quite what you might get, and I've just got to show you this one! Last night some guy hit me with a 12% reflection art buff. That is seriously impressive. My own hybrid reflection art is only 9%, and it's not very often I see one higher than that.
I buffed him back of course, and then hit myself with my own stuff. I've got the usual BoT clan epithet, and that's worth 3% reflection, and a couple of my relics also give a couple percentage points of reflection. In total I had at least 25% of damage reflection going on, and for a few minutes I was a One Man Wrecking Crew!
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on Sunday, March 29, 2009
at Sunday, March 29, 2009
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