Killer of Shuan Mian [Epithet]  

Posted by RedCross in

Killer of Shuan Mian

from The Choice of Fate, Shi Zhang

- Level must be high RC or RL
- Base dex 80, with buffs/relics/hermit 110+ recommended
- If nuker, instead of dex, wis should be 150-200
- +2 refined weapon about your level
- 3 purple passes

Party requirement (3-4 people)
- SM+ tanker
- FD+ finisher
- Healer with high healing skill
- You

- Ask healer and hybrid buffs
- Use only party-chat to disable other possible disturbances
- Stay at Xuanshe village, leader only goes to the CoF gate
- Mobs are orange at RL3-4
- If you see "Stay back" or "Back off", that means that you go back to previous room
- If you see "attack now", means that you start attacking second form of boss
- Use only active skill
- Tanker will logout at 1% and finisher steps in

Boss information
- First form is FD5(65), uses Confusion and Bleeding skills
- Second form is FD10(70), uses Bleedin, Paralyze and Tangled Steps

- VE/HP jacket/pants
- 100-200 HP jacket/pants
- 5-7% Speed jacket/pants
- Blood essence
- FD Relics
- FD Relics

Timeline of this killer-run

- Ask maxed healer and hybrid buffs
- Take Dexterity buff from Hermit at Xuanshe village
- Meditate and cure External Wounds before entering
- Person with passes goes to Death Valley and enters required passes

1. Arriving first time for poison-chamber
- Let other higher people destroy Poison Pillars
- Meditate to keep your health

2. First wave at second room
- Let other higher people kill monsters, possible to kill at RL3+
- Dont go ahead of others, follow and listen their instructions

3.1. Second wave at final room
- Wait at bridge so higher players kills monsters from last room
- Dont go inside last room unless higher players tells to come
- When last monster is killed, Boss will immediately spawn with 10+ minions

3.2. First form of boss
- This boss doesnt give killer epi or anything else, let higher players finish him first
- Attacking him doesnt help at all for you to get your killer epi
- Before first form dies, prepare to attack second form at bridge

3.3. Second form of boss at 100% health (7 minutes and 50 seconds left)

- This is the one where you get killer epi
- Tanker/finisher will tell you to come and attack in this point
- Remember to use only Active skill, no Smashes
- Dont be afraid of dying even Boss is red for you, healer will take care of person who gets killer epi

3.4. Second form of boss at 1% health (3-4 minutes left)
- This is the moment when Tanker will logout and leaving all experience for person who gets killer epi
- Finisher/helpers will start attacking for last 1% together with person who gets killer epi

4. Looting (2-3 minutes left)
- Each goes to separated room by breakind first door
- Suggesting to break final door at this point
- Loot all chests and so on…
- Exit trough final gate before timer goes zero, otherwise instant death

After all this, person has accuired Killer of Shuan Mian epithet
I hope this tutorial helps ^^

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