Yesterday I found a few of our older friends and a few new ones and we put together the Disconnected Band on the German server. It's going well. A couple of people wanted to join the moment they saw us. It was like, "hey, I know your website!!!", and "you guys speak English!!!", which is going to be the purpose of our league.
We have 11 players so far and 4 or 5 are bilingual with German and English, and a couple of Ro players too. Our league chat is all English and people are around to translate if you need it. There are instructions on how to change your language files though, and you won't need much help if you want to play on this server. Check the comments section from the last post for more details on the language files.
Still, we're only a band and we would like to be a league, and I've had a number of Heavenly Demons types asking to join us but none have time to be the bandmaster. Gerrus or WuTaHe, if you're out there I sure would like to hear from you, particularly if you're willing to be an HD bandmaster.
And lastly, I miss my xenawarior friend. I need an SF bandmaster too!
- AxtTreiber
Marry Christmas to everyone, and i am just lvl 14 yet Axe, i will log in when i have time to play
Merry Christmas to all across the land.
I guess this is a good a place to say that, LoB DC Band is up and running, we hope to get a soon.
I main issue is finding Shaolins that speak English, the Shaolin population isn't particularly big, let alone how many of them speak English.
If you are an English speaking player and have a white char on the German server, you are more than welcome to join.
For more info PM my in game name.
Ah and best of luck to everyone.
hi guys... i played 9d in dc acclaim... i saw that you guys are playing in this server and i will join to... i'm downloading the game and i will create a bot warrior...
Invite me to band/league when see me in game...
You guys still need one? I wasn't sure about coming to this server x_x the other server and league got so quiet and I don't know german xD
need a SF band leader I mean. I could do it =)
Informed Gerrus and Wutahe. But Ar-Faniel bet me to it. Have fun guys. I have turned to white side. :P
No more cookies for Eric!
Sorry about this reply, but is there a way to translate german 9d into english? If it's how I think it is, I might be fine, but just in-case...?
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