So what now?  

Posted by RedCross in ,

Whats going to happen after fresh start? Here is my plot whats going to happen

1 hour before server launch
- forums and download servers down
- people gathering to the irc channel check
- people visiting dc9d-blog for extra info check
- Europeans going to the bed check

## Server launch, hours later than expected check
- forum finally open(after IPS errors) and being filled with flames FLAMES check!!!

first hours
- game is patching very slowly check
- forum stays down(more IPS errors)

after first 6 hours
- clan bases are crowded check
- people exploring clan maps check
- map roars full of spam from angry acclaim 9d players check
- quest mobs are being ganged check

rest of the day one
- Europeans are about to wake up check
- most popular saying of the day: "NO KS!" check
- no refined weapons in sight check
- every lowbie place still crowded check
- macro users are back and no one cares check

Day 2
- still no leagues formed check (first band formed, Day 2 check)
- players waiting for rebuffs by GMs
- new players learned to beg to get GM buffs
- few people selling RL weapons with map roars check

Day 3
- first person to get CoF killer epithet check
- first person to reach datong/jinan check

Rest days of week one
- prices stays down, very down check
- first person to refine +5 weapon check
- high ranked people wearing cof clothes check
- still acclaim 9d players cursing with map (lions) roars check

Second week
- Item mall opens
- people able escape crowded quest mob spots and towns check
- few leagues formed finally check
- few people farming BE's from CoF check
- stands are full of GC/RL/FD weapons check
- BE price has reached 100k ea check
- Gold-sellers spamming in hefei check

Third week
- first league able to participiate SVS
- Shen Mo is being camped 24/7 check
- people realizes that there is no PVP balance
- BE price has reached 150k ea check

Fourth week
-karma farmers and boss campers all over CC 1-4

Second month
- first person to refine +7 weapon

Third month
- First nuker to get the TGW epi

Fourth month
-Indy21 finally gets to talk with Disney

Fifth month
- all hope lost for user DB recovery

feel free to add your ideas to the list in the comments :)

- Red&TS

This entry was posted on Wednesday, September 15, 2010 at Wednesday, September 15, 2010 and is filed under , . You can follow any responses to this entry through the comments feed .


They wont close the servers as long as im here.

September 15, 2010 at 2:25 PM

Like I said in the G1 forums, the Restart Freaks have won this round.

I can hardly wait until the first one of them yells, "NO KS!"

September 15, 2010 at 3:04 PM

well, i will start a hibr SF char and we will see what will be happens

September 15, 2010 at 3:10 PM

well this will actually be cool, first of all how much time do you think it will take to create the DC league ?

Well it will be fun to have all DC members doing COF runs again and again and again :))

September 15, 2010 at 5:38 PM

I probably will not create a "new" disconnected league in hopes that we get our old characters back "soon".

But yeah, party up people because that's what it's going to take to get off the noob maps.

September 15, 2010 at 5:41 PM

Well that wont appen at least for me!
I Will get my char back even without DB cuz i have the screenshots and evry1 who makes a fuz with me probably too becuz i wont get my wasted famaly time back if i dont get the char back only good alternitive is to get the time of GM or VGM and if they dont do it also i demend a 10.000 euros(becuz if i were geting payed to play thats probably what i wold gain in those many years of play) and if they refuse il make a law action were i demanded to be the 2nd person with more stocks in g1 and if the company banckrupts i woldnt spend a dime on depts!


Once an old man sayd:

I alone cant even cant even climb a step, but we toghether can even go explore beyond this earth.

September 15, 2010 at 6:35 PM

Wil you stand beside me?

September 15, 2010 at 6:37 PM

Lucky acalmate ainda nem tinhas chegado a 2nd Role xD Mas sim eu percebo também gastei dinheiro no jogo :/

On-topic: Yeah I'm not looking forward for grinding in the Bears at Shi Zhang, and I kind of doubt my computer will manage to not lag. I'm just kind of glad I didn't grind every day in Acclaim, getting to FC again won't be that hard specially since now I know where and how to grind.

-SandroTheDarkness aka STD

September 15, 2010 at 7:21 PM

E o Tempo STD e o Tempo???
E mais no ultimo evento cheguei a EC1 por isso tava muito perto do 2nd role.

Any way i will have my char back and if im the only one il be a vet of g1 9d i also hope evry1 comes with me but 1 things for certain i will not ever stop fighting for not just my char, all of our chars because if we start over money(if spended) is the least important the time is the thing we should care abaut more!

Also if truly OUR 9d comes down because of a company hope we can play in the game im making Fire Empire.

September 15, 2010 at 9:06 PM

So ehmmm bye bye Bardo... are we choosing Phoenix?

September 16, 2010 at 7:20 AM

yes we are, but this is kinda of a bad news for our database...

September 16, 2010 at 7:31 AM

Already said it before, G1 wont get the database due to the own fault.
I Don't understand why people still assume they will.
Disney/Playdom/Acclaim cannot be punished, G1 can be punished.
Since they are the ones who messed, and announced 9D before D/P/A Contract end.

As much as i hate to say it, i hope G1 suffers A LOT from their mistake.

Launching the game without ingame control is another bright move.

So want my opinion?
You got 2 options
1. You wait and act clueless about the Database, keep your false hopes about the database ever returning. And start over playing a new char.
2. You wake up from wonderland and move on to a other game, with less bugs(pretty much any game will cover the bugs part).

And no i wont say who i really am, neither my ingame char, forum name or IRC Name.
Because many before me got banned for posting this info.

Gogo Bardo err Phoenix(another WTF)

September 17, 2010 at 1:15 PM

Add on 2 weeks after release "Vista and W7 x64 players are still pissed and can't play"

September 17, 2010 at 3:09 PM

i have W7 Home Premium 64bit and 9d works fine, no tricks required.

Only one thing bothers... all 32bit programs like Internet browsers stop working properly while 9d is open, been like that since acclaim 9d.

September 17, 2010 at 7:55 PM

well, i can't play. will turn off some software to see if that helps.

September 18, 2010 at 11:05 AM

yea sure. that worked omg. probably the keyboard macro app stuff that blocked it.

September 18, 2010 at 11:07 AM

About the spammers : when I see one and I'm bored with grinding, I make all the time Show all, Show Equipment and Show attributes requests : he has to answer all the time and cannot spam!
!!!!!let's go spam the spammers!! :D

September 18, 2010 at 5:31 PM

Gold-sellers spamming in hefei-check.

September 19, 2010 at 11:35 PM

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