Discussion from the IRC  

Posted by SpearDriver in , , , ,

For some reason a rather large number of people still haven't gotten it through their thick skulls that the GamersFirst headquarters is located in Irvine, California and that's the timezone they work in too. They have a small number of employees who are available at all times to help with in-game issues, but Hyperion isn't one of those people. For me, and for most of you Bardo players that means that his daily updates will be posted on the forums some time late over night, and we'll be able to read them the next day.

Today is Tuesday. The Monday Daily Update is now posted.

The reason I'm bringing this up is because yesterday we had a rather large number of people who I know live in the European time zones show up in the IRC channel wanting to know if there was an update yet, at a time of day when most of the USA, including Hyperion, would still be warm in bed. One of those people was even a former high level VGM in the game. How in hell can these people suddenly forget the facts about time zones?

And that's just my first rant for the day!

As a normal part of the discussion in the IRC channel, I gave my opinion as to what our daily update would likely contain, along the lines of "yet another version of soon, but we did manage to fix the input form so that you can claim all your characters". Strangely enough, that's exactly what Hyperion's post today says.

I can't imagine that that's all they got done yesterday, but I can imagine that that's all they're going to tell us, daily. Quite frankly they are treating us like mushrooms, in the same way that Acclaim usually did. Yes, mushrooms. You keep them in the dark, feed them bullshit and harvest them when you're ready.

The very real issue of getting the database back isn't being addressed. The very real issue of name-squatters isn't being addressed, and there is still no solid date for the very simplest start of a server, any server, so that people can at least play the game while we wait for our own characters. In a couple of days it will be Friday and the start of our 4th weekend without the game.

Hyperion, the longer we have to wait for answers to real issues, and a restart, the fewer players you'll have from the old community. That can't be a part of the plan for a profitable game. Can it?

- SpearDriver

This entry was posted on Tuesday, September 14, 2010 at Tuesday, September 14, 2010 and is filed under , , , , . You can follow any responses to this entry through the comments feed .


Do they want to tell us adding 2 lines and changing a variable to allow letters as well, took them 1 weekend?

You forgot to write about his kind, encouraging signature.
Well, Acclaim was playing with the community while they earned money, though. G1 does the same, but they get no money and I doubt it ever happens.

September 14, 2010 at 11:22 AM

looks like they'll start the game without the DB.. and add it when-ever they get it. "good work"

September 14, 2010 at 8:39 PM

Well this is only my opinion but it is really strange to me the way that they "work" on this matter.

Well we all know that the game had let's say major flows biggest one was the gold...

// As i don't know anything about the DB I will speculate //

Even if they had the DB do you think that they would "restore everything" ? well having the excuse of no DB and we are really trying hard to get, it will result by we are sorry but we really tried to get it but we couldn't we will restore your chars that you guys sent us blah blah someware between those lines...

Well this will remain to be seen let's just say that I trust G1 enough not to trust 'em

September 14, 2010 at 8:49 PM

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