It may not sound like much to you but when you've been grinding on the same mob, in the same spot on the map for almost 3 weeks, a new mob feels like you're playing a new game. Of course it doesn't help when the event only players show up and decide that your home is now their home, at least for the duration of the event. The nukers of course, are the worst.
But let me tell you about my new best friends the Miao Twin Axe Warriors. They are level 190 mobs that live in a part of the map that gets fairly narrow. This is not going to be fun when those nukers show up again. The narrow part isn't much wider than an AoE nuke. They have a very slow attack style and don't do an awful lot of damage which is good because they get aggro fairly quickly and you are always ganged by these mobs.Like all mobs on the Tibet map they don't drop very much, sometimes a weapon which can be sold to an NPC for a lot of gold, FD gk/bk relics, and some gold from every kill. But also like all Tibet mobs they have a special drop that will hopefully be useful once we get the rest of the Tibet game material from Indy21. The special drop from these guys is called an Antidote of Twin Axe Warrior.
If anyone knows, maybe from the Korean version of the game, what these drops are used for could you please let us know. I don't know why there is any mystery about it, but Acclaim like always doesn't seem to want us to know.
Anyway, this is my new home in the game, probably for about the next three weeks. Anyone else doing anything fun?
- SpearDriver
This entry was posted
on Monday, August 2, 2010
at Monday, August 02, 2010
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I think there are 4 levels of monkey mobs but only that one level causes the para/bleed affect. I'm hoping to just jump past that mob like I did with the secret needle mobs.
They are all range mobs from now on?
The nukers must just hate that! And maybe that's why they are all still grinding on the True Fists and Axe Warriors, even though they are light blue.
August 3, 2010 at 9:53 AM
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