About a week ago we were goofing off in chat, talking about our favorite league slacker [B-Stard]. Apparently he has a brand new deco, which is pretty cool because I'm more or less stuck with one of the old and ugly clan decos as my 440 dodge deco. When I built it we didn't have the choice to buy reasonably good looking permanent decos from the coin mall. And while [B-stard] might b-slack, I'm a cheap b-stard and I'm not going to spend more money on this game any time soon.
But it got me thinking. If you could have any deco you wanted, what would it look like? Now I'm turning that idea into a league event, just because we haven't had one in a while.
So here is how it goes;
This event is open to Disconnected and Restless League members. You are to design a deco in character sized proportions, both male and female, and I want to see both front and back. You can choose any theme you want of course, but the winning ideas are going to be game related. Keep in mind, the game is set in the Ming Dynasty era of ancient China. Also, I don't want to see anything more blatantly sexual than any of the actual deco or clothes, or mobs in the game. I will be happy to see more than one submission per person, but there will only be one prize per person awarded.
Prizes? Ah yes, prizes. The winning idea will get 5 Blood Essence and an experience card. Second place will get 3 Blood Essence and an experience card, and Third place, 1 Blood Essence and an experience card.
Wow, with prizes like that I wish I could play too! When I was a kid I couldn't keep my crayons inside the lines, and I still can't. I guess it's a good thing I can write well.
Put your ideas onto an image server somewhere and give us a link in the comments section of this post. I'll put the images into this post as I get them.
I'm starting to think that this is going to be our best league event yet, and I'm looking forward to seeing your ideas. The event closes next weekend on Sunday, after the normal experience event.
- SpearDriver