A collection quest, with a twist  

Posted by SpearDriver in ,

It seems that all is not lost when it comes to our collection quests. There is a new one planned and to my surprise it will start tomorrow night at Silly o'Clock, sometime after midnight here in Europe. I was expecting a bit of a delay before we got this event, but I'm happy to see it. I knew a collection quest was coming because [VGM]Hawk asked my opinion about a few things last night during our experience event. If you recall, I asked in league chat for ideas about collection event rewards, and this is what came out of that discussion.

This collection quest comes with a bit of a twist. We're getting four lists all at once this week, and we'll have the whole week to collect all items. We can expect a couple of very difficult items in these lists, but I doubt there will be anything as stupid as Broken Arrows and hopefully everything in the lists will be stackable. In the past we've been asked to collect elixirs, and/or weapons but those items aren't all that practical because they don't stack. Those things must be quite the pain in the ass for the VGM's too.

Another thing that [VGM]Hawk and I discussed was the Tibet drops, and he has the same idea that I have. It's really not necessary to be taking items away from players when we don't know what the items are used for. Besides that, all the Tibet level players have lower level characters who can collect items. I think we can expect that the items on these 4 lists will be collectable by low to mid-level characters.

As a second small twist to the collection event idea, each of the lists will get a different reward for turning in items in.

The VGMs will give Special rewards to the players who turn in items.

- list 1 items will be rewarded with Dragon Herbs (hp recovery 200/3sec, duration 15sec) (1 DH/10 items)
- list 2 items will be rewarded with GT low lvl (1 gt/20 items)
- list 3 items will be rewarded with CC keys (1 cc key/20 items)
- list 4 items will be rewarded with BE (1 be/20 items)

Those Dragon Herbs are going to be popular with low level players. They are regular drops on the Tibet map, but you never see them for sale in Hefei. I have no doubt that the PvP bigshots eat these things like candy, and then keep on bragging about how incredible they are.

As usual there will be a public GoogleDoc where we can all track the progress of the collection quest.

If the lists really are designed for low to mid-level characters, a few smart players are going to be quite rich at the end of this week. I've said it before, I have no idea why players don't regularly pick up their drops while playing this game. And why don't the Masters and high level league members remind the lowbies about this too. The collection quests can make a player rich, so pick up your drops and wait to turn them in.

- SpearDriver

This entry was posted on Saturday, August 14, 2010 at Saturday, August 14, 2010 and is filed under , . You can follow any responses to this entry through the comments feed .


"I have no doubt that the PvP bigshots eat these things like candy, and then keep on bragging about how incredible they are."
Yes, oh my goodness, yes!

and are will there be an exp boost Sd or are u not sure?

August 15, 2010 at 4:27 AM

I guess you didn't click the first link in my post?

"The reward will be Saturday the 21st and Sunday the 22d of august:
The experience rate for each server will depend on the amount of completed lists:

- complete 1 list = The experience rate will be boosted x2 for 4 hours.
- complete 2 lists = The experience rate will be boosted x3 for 4 hours.
- complete 3 lists + gold = The experience rate will be boosted x4 for 4 hours.
- complete 4 lists + gold = The experience rate will be boosted x5 for 4 hours."

August 15, 2010 at 5:31 AM

oh right, my bad, thanks for clearing that up

August 15, 2010 at 7:39 PM

17 Keys and 7 BEs i made :)
what u got ???

August 16, 2010 at 8:40 PM

10 green
10 blue
16 red
38 BEs
52 GTs


August 17, 2010 at 2:02 AM

What did you give to get red keys I wonder?

August 17, 2010 at 5:48 AM

alot :)
antlers (2 stacks)
furs (3 stacks)
amulets (0.5 stack)
wooden flute (1 stack)
a piece of red clothes (3 stacks)

some ppl gave more :P

August 17, 2010 at 7:51 AM

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