This company made it clear for some time ago this is game is all about cash... this game will stay as it is and the price of the items will increase and this so called F2P will stop as soon as Tibet is out, it will be impossible to actually play
When do we try for fortress?. :D
hey guys...just dropping by to visit some old friends..man i wish all ppl see this post and i don't come back tomorrow to find no one has replied to me :p..or worse..no one remembers me xD
anyway..i just wanted to see where the game was headed and i was really surprised when i found it actually still running ..
i assumed one of 2 things..1) the game will close or the players will abandon it completely..
2)or they will fix everything and stop being so damn greedy :p
the surprising thing was that..they didn't fix anything..they didn't stop being greedy..and u guys actually still playing!!
anyway..i see that things got worse with so many scammers around//servers crashing//events failing//and even Dcing every 10 seconds..lol seems like my old animated Pic still applies..
well...i am now an official Medicine student (1st year) and i got an A+ on the mid year exams :D..playing S4 league atm and i am happy with it..
how about u guys?..how r u all doing...???
Ok believe it or not is it really hard in this game w/o some gear, gear that is so damn expensive this days, I myself buyed lods of IM stopped buying after the -70% after that I realised that I will not play this game too much in the near time so i stopped buying things...
Now talking seriously even if the game is booring after a lvl is still interesting to set your goals.. so far from the start i have seted some goals
At the begining:
- playing with a friend and being able to do CoF
-Then actually acieving 2nd role ( this was before so many 5x)
-after that my goal was to be able to grind in icy just out of curiousity
-Then my goal was 1 alone to be able to do GCM runs
- After HM i started to get really bored... almost quitted a few times didn't had any goal set in my mind....
- Then there was a single thing that I wanted to do and that was to grind in SrS... ayakashy are orange so this goal is almost set....
but yet again this game is so bad with the huge ammount of bugs and role unbalance i started again to question myself why I play this game ... ?
i am not a PvP person even if the ck healers are so called best PvPers I am not the type to kill others...just not so fun hearing swerewords about my mom in 20 different languages :))
But good luck on the new guys just be prepared to kill your budgets if you want to lvl in this game
Hi Mamado, good to hear from you and congrats on med school. Yeah, your old gif file still applies but the situation is worse today than ever before because of this patch.
I doubt this game will ever truly die unless one of us takes a hammer to the servers.
In the mean time there is lots to do in the game, like DTB said. Lots of goals, lots of ways to play the game and friends to chat with too.
We all just wish Acclaim/Indy21 would grow a second brain cell and start fixing a few things that are wrong in the game, and take greater care with the new material.
Hi, Mamado, i am glad you are ok, congratz on your school, i my self i am a student again, :D, i don't play to much this days,i keep visit the Dc blog and the official forum, i think i am still addicted to 9D, have fun everyone
Sorry for the off topic but i'm realy desperate. i need 3 scales.thx in advance.And sorry again for the off topic comment
man.. it's always good to hear from old friends...sorry if i turned the blog into a social site but i just missed u guys :D..i hope they do grow a second brain (although it's medically impossible as nervous cells can not proliferate :P) and u guys just keep having fun :D..
hey mamado :D
greetings and gratzies to yaaa *_*
btw red i wouldnt say bye nonnuker roles but bye lowcash players and nonhack players.
pvp w/o prem? impossible if u wanna pwn and now with the new items the rich mofos can pwn even more but i actually dont feel like buying 8x 90d prems (and that also means play 24 months more coz else it would be wasted prem).
respect to the nonplaying players that still get their stuff done!
oh and hiho xenaaaaaaa, gl on ur studies dear ;D
he he, ty dear, but you can now give a gift so i don't see why can't you sell those prem like scale or tears :D
Boo! Hey everyone, how are you all? I know I've not been online for a while now, was just checking to see how the league was doing and where the game was heading. I'm also curious as to whether I'm still in the league ^_^.
So the "Bacon" wasn't a bag... VGM lied to me! :O but turns out to still have alright abilities.
One question how do the bacon peices work? Attach to slot in weap? clothes? goes in pocket?
Anyways glad to see friends are doing well, might pop online this weekend, but it's all down to time.
Oh and btw if you know where my 500def set went to tell me plz ^_^ (not that i need for grind, just for PvP ^_^)
If I'm not online later this weekend I'll prob be on at least once during the week I have off so see you later, until then.
(=◕‿‿◕=) Calvin.
yea with gifts it might be possible to receive the flag without the prem
but im not sure who gets the marble, the one that sends the gift or the one that receives the gitf.
ok so duz anyone know why my gift button is still greyed out? why does it still not work? any 1 can help plz, it will be appreciated :)
@S-A-R-A, tried to gift via web browser yet? -> http://9dragons.acclaim.com/store/store.jsp
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