Acclaim just does not get it  

Posted by SpearDriver in ,

More and more often I have to wonder about Acclaim, because they just don't get it. I was reading the forum this morning while having my wake-up coffee and I came across a couple of items that made my eyes cross. I was trying to get my eyes uncrossed with that coffee, so I didn't need to read these 2 posts from the new general manager Fugen.

The first one was this new Twitter event. Now he wants 1000 Twits following him on Twitter. Having 500 Twits following you online isn't quite the sort of success that I would call "rousing", but that's what he's calling it and now he wants 500 more Twits. The rewards from the first event pissed off more people than were made happy, and now he wants to go it again? This is one Fail after another but as far as Acclaim is concerned this is a "rousing success". It's no wonder the bugs never get fixed in this game. They like their own Fail!

The second item in the forums that crossed my eyes (brb, I need more coffee...) is the new policy to name and shame the scammers in the game. Now don't misunderstand, I fully approve of this policy and it should have been done ages ago. Players will at least know who to avoid in the game, and the scammer is gone from the game, right?

Well, not quite. Look at the penalty being paid by a known scammer who has pulled this crap on more than one person.

SuperGaGa -Scammed multiple items from users. Currently on 3-day game ban.

A 3 day ban? That's it? Yeah, I really need more coffee...

SuperGaGa scammed irreplaceable and rare, highly refined weapons from some trusting people, and those items weren't returned to their rightful owners. Okay, those trusting people really should know better by now. Scammers are far too common because the penalties have been light. Now it looks the penalties will stay light.

A 3 day ban for multiple items?

Anyone want to buy a few scales/tears or jade separators? I know you want to try again with those LM6 BD 4-slot Bracers that are only +9. Give me a shout in-game. I would love to scam them from you.

- SpearScammer

This entry was posted on Tuesday, February 23, 2010 at Tuesday, February 23, 2010 and is filed under , . You can follow any responses to this entry through the comments feed .


I approve!
very helpful :)

February 23, 2010 at 12:22 PM

I just say..

»Ever tried. Ever failed. No matter. Try again. Fail again. Fail better.«

Some people from the Acclaim Staff never understood what's the meaning of this phrase.

Acclaim's end of story will be reached within this year, I'm sure.

February 23, 2010 at 3:24 PM

meh, 3 day ban. I think I'll start "selling scales" Might just wind up with some $$$ from those weapons.

February 24, 2010 at 5:33 AM

lol, 3 day ban for scamming multible items from users?...while last year one of my friends got few months ban for selling a weapon to someone...a scammed weapon that he got from a naive friend didn't know it was a scammed weapon :)

February 24, 2010 at 6:22 AM

Well Fugen has perma banned some1 in Asura. Maybe things will change

March 26, 2010 at 6:13 AM

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