Sorry league but The Hermit came up with a better idea and we're getting some high experience numbers for a day, so there will be no dungeon runs as originally planned.
Here is what The Hermit has come up with for us;
Saturday, January 03, 2010
3X EXP Event for the Players during these times:
Bardo 8 Hours 3XP Event (12PM-8PM GMT)
Nirvana 8 Hours 3XP Event (12PM-8PM PST)
Asura 8 Hours 3XP Event (12PM-8PM PST)
5X EXP Event for the Players while The Dark Hermit sets foot for the first time in The Land during these times:
Bardo 5XP 90 minute event is (6:30PM GMT 8PM GMT)
Asura 5XP 90 minute event is (2:30PM PST to 4:00PM PST)
Nirvana 5XP 90 minute event is (2:30PM PST to 4:00PM PST)
Be forewarned he will be slaying any player he encounters without mercy!
I personally think the DarkHermit should be forced to play that 90 minutes on the LiaoDong map. Maybe that way the map will be taken care of properly by the GM's.
And in addition our usual event times of 1600GMT will 4x the usual experience rates, so have your manuals or experience cards ready and I want to hear a whole lot of DING! tomorrow.
Happy New Year too...
- SpearDriver with a fuzzy head and a funny tasting tongue.
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on Friday, January 1, 2010
at Friday, January 01, 2010
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