We've now got our second refugee from the Japanese version of the game, and welcome Bluffing. If there is anything you need please speak up. We have plenty of stuff in storage including manuals, elixirs, clothing, weapons, and more. We even have a small number of dungeon passes so we can get more materials if needed. Please ask your friends if they would like to join us. All are welcome.
In other news, Bardo died a painful death overnight. GM NeverMore has said that there is a problem at the data center. Something about a terrorist attack, and that Sedbona may have finally lost it. I doubt that bit about the terrorist attack, but nothing that Sedbona does would surprise me at this time.
I just hope we're not going to have any sort of a roll back after this problem is fixed. I just got back from vacation and made over 45% yesterday at HM9, and I refined a Hermit Axe to +7 last night.
Anyone doing anything fun? I played mybrute. Come fight me! You can be a Disconnected Brute too!
Edit: GM NeverMore has said there will be an extensive compensation event after this is fixed, but it may take several more hours. I have also been reassured that there will be no rollback because of this issue.
- SpearDriver