Rumors from the IRC channel  

Posted by SpearDriver in ,

There is a new patch coming that fixes the disappearing bosses in the dungeons. It should be deployed "very soon" and it's really small. There is no word as to what was actually fixed because that would mean that Indy21 had made a mistake, and of course they would never actually admit that!

I'm looking forward to this one. Finally we're getting a bug fix, as opposed to new bugged material.

In other news, we completed the collection in record time, and I'm proud to say Disconnected was there and working on it. We had a hand in collecting almost every item on that list, and we were on all of the hard items. Even the head of the VGM's noticed our work.


It was amazing to see the players on Bardo work together to collect all of the items. Also, I must have seen many players from the Disconnected league come to donate and coordinate to collect items, especially the rare ones. I heard that higher levels were buffing the lower ones so that they could farm faster. It's great to see players of a whole server working together. Fantastic job!

Now that's good work!

Edit: Patch number 93 and 94 are out today and according to the notes the disappearing bosses bug has been fixed. I intend to test that thoroughly today.

- SpearDriver.

This entry was posted on Tuesday, November 10, 2009 at Tuesday, November 10, 2009 and is filed under , . You can follow any responses to this entry through the comments feed .


very good job !! we gona get X4 for 5 hours :)

November 10, 2009 at 11:34 AM

nice job indeed! i was helping on collecting Golden Cases. awesome if they really fixed dungeon bugs

November 10, 2009 at 11:38 AM

Nice one! well done alL of you! :D
Rock on DC!

November 10, 2009 at 1:15 PM

I did some of the last work of the liquid pouches. Looks like noone bothered to deliver the pouches to vgm after i left lol. I buffed some of those that was farming pouches.

Great work guys! ;)

November 10, 2009 at 6:22 PM

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