Rumors for todays event  

Posted by RedCross in ,

Today and tomorrow we will get 4x event, but no-one hasn't been so sure that how long it will last and when does it start. Now we have found out that event will most likely start already at 3PM GMT (1 hour earlier than usual dxp events).

Lore Master Warda wrote:
In consequence, the Reward will be:
Saturday and Sunday the normal 2X EXP time will be boosted x4 for 3 hours.
Since Saturday there is War event, it's possible that the experience event starts at 3 PM (GMT for Bardo, PST for Nirvana and Asura) so, please, be patent to the in-game notices and don't miss the fruit from your effort.

Acclaim Acid wrote:
If you have made it to 3 hours, the Exp Event will start at 3 PM (GMT for Bardo, PST for Nirvana and Asura)
If you have made it to 5 hours, the Exp Event will start at 2 PM (GMT for Bardo, PST for Nirvana and Asura)

So be ready for 3 hours of 4x (6 to 7 exp cards). Since today is a War event too, we will get extra xp event for 10-20 min till True General Wei dies.

Have a Good Grind dear Disconnecters!

This entry was posted on Saturday, November 14, 2009 at Saturday, November 14, 2009 and is filed under , . You can follow any responses to this entry through the comments feed .


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