Gamelon and the Japanese 9Dragons  

Posted by SpearDriver

Some of you may know by now that the Japanese publisher of this game has given up on it, and will be closing their game at the end of this month. There were quite a number of unhappy Acclaim customers who moved to that version sometime after patch 44 came out with the adbar, and who can blame them. But now that J9D is closing they may not have much choice if they still want to play 9Dragons. You need a Korean identity card to play that version and the Vietnamese version is said to be a hackers paradise. So, what to do?

Those English speaking players have their own forum at the Load-o-meter website and I posted an invitation to any who would like to join us, if the European timezones work for them. With our donor account and high level players we can help get quite a number of new characters off to a good start. One player has taken us up on that offer so far and I'm expecting more will show up. Unfortunately I also think that quite a number will play to the bitter end, hoping that it's all a sick joke.

The problem with my offer to these people is that so far I have only given my characters names as a place to get in touch with us and I'm not going to be here at the end of the month when the J9D server is finally shut down. My wife and I are going scuba diving for two weeks at that time.

So I'm asking for volunteers to list your character names in the comments section of this post. It will give any refugees from J9D a few ways to get in touch with us, and help to fill the league. I would love to have a few more experienced players in this league, even if they are starting on new characters here. It won't take any of them long to get established, particularly if we can start them off with some reasonably good equipment.

Think about it, and get in touch with me if you have any questions. At the very least I would ask our bandmasters to volunteer for this. After all, that's what leadership is.

- SpearDriver

This entry was posted on Wednesday, November 4, 2009 at Wednesday, November 04, 2009 . You can follow any responses to this entry through the comments feed .


Count me in!
I'm honoured to see how these warrior's of Japan handle the Western Warriors!
I will be ready to support these players.
Contact me if you want some support with starting up.

---Sabre--- HD Warrior FC11
Shinigami-UK HD Nuker GB4
Bardonian WT Healer GB4

See you in Bardo.
I'll be able to help more they are black clan.

私の名前は Calvin です。

November 4, 2009 at 10:13 PM


November 6, 2009 at 8:38 AM

me too, count me in :)

November 6, 2009 at 12:06 PM

This would be a great time to intoduce the Master-Deciple idea.

For those who dont know what im talking about.

November 9, 2009 at 5:35 PM

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