The Vagabond is the weakest and hardest to play role in 9dragons. Disconnected is a Friend of the Vagabonds and some dc-members have vagabond alternative chars like --------]-- and -Blondie-. Any Vagabond is invited to party with us, and buffs will always be given. They walk a hard road.
Late yesterday evening the vagabonds got their very first official event created by GM's _Ravenclaw_ and TheHermit. We had to gather at front of the Hero Band Arena in Hefei and one by one got teleported inside there by a GM. TheHermit made his speech about vagabonds future which was very promising, _Ravenclaw_ briefed us on our first mission and it was about to defeat all bosses in CC5. An hour later they started to teleport us one by one to CC5!
The first bosses were BloodWolf King and WhiteTiger King which our brave low level vagabonds tried to gang them with the power of 10 people. Next our job was to defeat bosses from both the white and black sides of CoF and VoH. Many of us were forced to run to the walls when Shen Mo and his four minions spawned. Next we had to defeat Blue Face from Hangzhou/Nanchang maps. Legend and I were still too high to hit that boss, so hunyo had to risk his life and defeat that monster. Laughing Face from Silver Coin mansion, Savage Fist and Flaming Bull from Wild Tower were our next targets. Seriously that was a very long and desperate hour when the three of them were casting bleeding and debuffs. The Beast Palace main boss is easy compared to the FCPQ bosses.
The Vagabonds were relieved that all bosses was defeated, but then _Ravenclaw_ told us that the final test would began. True General Wei spawned in the middle of us and only two vagabonds were high enough to be able to land a hit on him properly. We ate several HP Sweeties, Korean Kingsens and Etheral Mushrooms for the next 2 hours. Tanking this monstrous boss is a hard job with a weak body like a vagabond. At one hour and 68% of TGW's health, _Ravenclaw_ allowed other VGM's to speed up this process, so that he could start the event on the next server.
Have you tried to take TGW out without buffers support like a healer or hybrid? I used at leasat 200 ew herbs, 60 KG's, 5 EM's, 2 HP Sweeties, 2 1000dmg pills, and 4/1k hp leech pills. I'm glad to have had the mental support from the other vagabonds.
Thanks for all who has supported at our True Road of Vagabonds. Thanks to TheHermit and _Ravenclaw_ for making this event possible. Thanks to [VGM]Maniac, [VGM]Bella and [VGM]Inferno for helping to take the final boss out. Thanks to all vagabonds who joined this journey and made it a unique experiences.
I Hope to see more new vagabonds on 9dragons, and know that their road will get easier at one point with very promising patches.
This entry was posted
on Monday, October 5, 2009
at Monday, October 05, 2009
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