The cheapest way to get a 4 slotted deco is by buying a permanent deco from the item mall. Those cost 1200 coins each and come with 2 slots already in place. You can use them immediately, and still add slots later. It's not a bad way to start with a permanent slotted deco.
The old temporary deco are still available for 525 coins. They come with 4 slots, and some nice statistics like damage and speed. Of course, they expire after 30 days too. If you are a regular deco user it won't take long for a permanent deco to pay for itself even if you don't get those nice statistics like damage and speed.
To add slots to your new permanent deco you'll have to go back to the coin mall and buy a jade separator, one for each new slot. The jade separator normally costs 770 coins and so a complete 4 slot deco from the coin mall would would a cost grand total of 2740 acclaim coins.
You take your permanent deco and jade separators to the Master of Ornament NPC in Hefei, right next to the Refining Bitch. You add your separators one at a time and there is no chance your deco will break. Bow to the Master of Ornaments and stick your tongue out at the Refining Bitch, and you're done.You can also make 4 slotted Clan Deco, but this is more expensive. You buy the usual clan deco from that seller on your clan map, and then buy 4 jade separators. You add the slots the same way, by talking to the Master of Ornaments. The 4 slot clan deco is just another option if you happen to prefer that look.
I made a +440 dodge deco for my warrior, but I've discovered that it is really effective on my hybrid and nuker too. My nuker can almost tank mobs these days with that deco, the shields and an HP trink.
Did you make a deco? What did you put on it?
- SpearDriver
what is the dodge cap?
I don't know Andy, but fully buffed with 280 base dex and my +440 dodge deco I top out at 2400 dex, and I can see a big difference when I take that deco off. So either I'm just at, or underneath the dodge cap.
Argh, "2400 Dodge"
thx, i should make a 4 slot deco because i have a very low base dex
You should come party with my nuker for a few minutes, and watch what happens as the dragon bears start missing me completely, with base 14 dex and that deco.
what ive heard, dodge cap in pve should be around 1700, attack rating maybe same. ive got 6x of those dex5 ornaments attached and ive gained 120 AR and 120 dodge with it :) works smooth
if your fully buffed dodge is far below 1700... you should try to add some physical 110 dodge ornaments.
also those caps varies between different roles, for warrior those caps are at much higher than other roles.
i will have 110 dodge on my 4 slots, if i had one.
Thanks to red, selling me cheap 110 dodge (CK too) orns, ill make new dodge decos, (perm vaga ones) so al my players can use :P
Btw that means im selling:
HD Male Protectors (Wild Tower Look) Decox2
1 with 440dodge
1 with 440 CK dodge
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