Surprise Event!  

Posted by SpearDriver in ,

It's a scavenger hunt, and I want you to find the items that you can use to spell Disconnected. Only the first letter of the item counts, so if you needed a "B" for instance you could use a Blood Essence, because that starts with B. Ok, there is no B in Disconnected but you get the idea.

There are two of the letter "D" in Disconnected, you only need to collect one item. The same for the letters C and N, you only need one of those as well. So that means you need 8 items. I'll give you small break here. You don't have to collect the letter "O" because that item is amazingly difficult to get.

So, you will need to collect 7 items, each that starts with the letter D, I, S, C, N, E, and T. All of those items can be found on the clan map, or on Shi Zhang for blacks, and on Zhengzhou for whites, but that doesn't mean you have to stay on those maps. Some of the items are drops, some of the items can be bought from various places around the maps.

This will be a real test of your knowledge of the game, but it can be done, even by low level players. It took me about an hour to collect everything when I was testing this idea.

The first player to come back to Hefei with all 7 items gets the letter O from me, to complete the collection, and also wins an XP card. Second and third prizes are one BE each, and cash prizes will be awarded to every player who completes the event.

Edit: That went remarkably well and I'm astounded at how fast some of you completed this event. First Prize went to Ukhidden from our white clans, second went to Yukiko and third to a fairly new player, Golabpb. Buntz_PT and Ghost_Master came 4th and 5th, and Etai eventually completed this event and claimed his prize.

This entry was posted on Sunday, August 16, 2009 at Sunday, August 16, 2009 and is filed under , . You can follow any responses to this entry through the comments feed .


congratulations for all winners :)

August 17, 2009 at 6:34 AM

And i won. :) Btw, i had several things that i had picked up while grinding that has the letters. I only had to buy two and get one from storage. But gratz to those that completed it.

August 17, 2009 at 10:36 PM

hey i had taken this pic for ur AOE post,

White Clan Shao(I think) GL Level.

BTW we can kill government soliders.
by Ganging. ALL players ganging were
High CS. low Hermit around 5-10 people we brought down health to 72% in jinan shanghua.

Ur league shud try this act. :P

August 19, 2009 at 3:04 PM

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