Character builds and stats will always be one of the favorite topics in this game, and as I've said before, I'm no expert on all the clans and roles but I've built a couple of Brotherhood of Thieves warriors and I'm getting pretty good at it. I wrote a similar post to this one quite a long time ago, using an RL 7 level warrior as an example of what a good build looks like for a warrior at that level. If you are a new player with a warrior you really should read that post.In that old post you'll see this image of the base stats for that warrior, and I want to show you today how things change over time. First of all, that character is no longer a warrior. I changed him to a nuker role quite some time ago, so that I could learn how to play that class of character too. I'll write about that soon. Second of all, the stats that you need as a warrior change a lot, depending on where you are grinding. I used to think that my old farmer/collector warrior had a "hi-dex" build.
Looking back at it now, I obviously had no idea what a "hi-dex" build was.
I recently moved my main character to the Ice Map, and it was pretty obvious right from the start that I was going to have to make some changes to the character. The first mob that you meet on that map are the reindeer and they are awful. I could kill 3, maybe 4 of them and then I was running for my life, trying to find a place to meditate. It was like being back at the Datong Bears. I hate those bears, but I hate the Ice Map reindeer more.
This was really frustrating for me because on the Liaodong map I could often grind for up to 2 hours without having to meditate. After that I had to run to the hermit for his buffs anyway, so why not meditate too. I was using all the same equipment on the two maps, and I was trying to grind on green color mobs on either map. On the Ice Map I was running for my life!I did some reading in the Acclaim forums and I found a good post from a long time player, and he suggested a "hi-dex" build. I thought I had that! Apparently not. So I bought a chakra purge and made a few changes, and now at CS12 this is what I've got.
The biggest change is the number of points in Dexterity, and as you can see I'm still adding to that number. The higher dexterity number increases both the Attack Rating and Dodge numbers. With a higher attack rating I hit my mob far more often, and with a higher dodge number I don't get hit as often. At this point I can grind on the Ice Map. I can't quite "grind for up to a couple of hours without meditating", but I can grind for up to 15 minutes. It's a start.
What's your favorite character build?
- SpearDriver
Well I think all warriors have this problem in IP, the reindeers eat me alive :) 4-5 mobs max but I was able to find some mobs that are easier the ones with daggers, forgot their name now, they allow me to get up to 8-10 before I have to medi and they are yellow so it is not that bad anymore, however it is interesting to see how you changed your build spear. I am CS10 with 300str,200dex,70const and I am thinking of taking 40 from str and adding them to dex, similar to your build.But before that I want to try the Physical resistance talismen (15%) and see if they are any good. Any ideas about that?
well better to avoid small mobs in icy, since bigger (bears, elephants..) are easier and they dont gangbang so easily. i made nice balance with blood pancakes from item mall but with maxed str and dex, minium con ess wis.
if you have any more than 3/1000 hp return, you should try to get maxium hp return with high attackrating, high damage and high defence.. (str and dex). also good weapon matters
playahater made few cool guides which are reading worth.
well, since middle CS I been pumping dex (with 264 str base).
currently I'm lurving around in-game with this build ( with premium buff, but no other buffs, I can grind pretty well at spots where mobs less gang. I think a more important role plays the spot you're grinding, less your build.
all in all, max dex is better than 300 str/ 200 dex in my opinion (as I have tested 300 str/80 con/ rest dex too and failed to grind smoothly).
There was a guy on the forum who tested a few of these things, but the physical resistance is the one he didn't test.
It would be interesting to see how well those things work. I've always used speeding tickets on my decos.
I probably should have mentioned too that I do have an HP trinket, hat and a 2/1000 hp return spear. Those make an enormous difference to the grind.
ok, u know my warri is in icy too and gl2 so far. im trying 200 con on her atm and on spots where are not many mobs i can grind well with ve hat. but i figured out that i get way more ew than other players while grindin gc for example, so more dex seems to be quite good, 189 is too low.
My build on every char is a complete fail. I i got around 100 str and 70 on dex and cons, i got 90 on ess and im going to use 10K and take away all wis and use it on dex. idk, don't think this is good. I can almost grind for 30 sec on mobs with high attack rate, even though i got C10 on the fast heal and buff. I need prem pack buff at most of the enemies.
ukhidden hybrid wt fd10
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