Rumors from the IRC channel  

Posted by SpearDriver in , , , , , ,

As you know, a few us meet in the #9dragons IRC channel regularly, where we get to chat with the VGM's and sometimes a GM or two will stop by. Even BluFlash makes it a habit to check in and see what's going on. He's actually a fairly nice guy if you just stay polite with him. If you do that, you might hear a whole bunch of stuff from the staff.

The latest rumors are that we are getting an Independence Day Event. That's this Saturday, the 4th of July. It's not confirmed but a couple of the staff have said that a good discount at the coin mall is highly likely, and that we're probably going to get a nice XP event as well. A whole day event with 2x for experience and 4x for skills is possible too. That would be really nice considering what we've been getting from Lucky Cricket lately, and we have a lot of manuals available if you need a few.

Other rumors include news on the Jade Separator from the coin mall. It's not released yet, but should be released "soon". "Really Soon", said one of the VGM's. This item will not add a slot to a blank weapon. It will "double the number of slots to a maximum of 4". So if you've got a one-slot weapon, you'll get a two-slot weapon. If you have a two-slot weapon, you'll get a four-slot weapon. A Hermit three-slot weapon can only be improved to a four-slot weapon, because that is the maximum.

As of right now that Jade Separator cannot be used on refined weapons, and again, rumor says that GM Acid is trying to get that changed. This might be why the Jade Separator has not been released yet. Nobody has mentioned what these are likely to cost, but I wouldn't count on them being cheap.

And for our last piece of news, we're going to try to do our own league event on Sunday the 5th of July. I would like to arrange a Karma Event for our members on both sides. Lowby characters often have a hard time to get good or bad karma because it's often hard to find people to trade with. If we all meet at the event stage at 1400 GMT (2 hours before the normal XP event...), we can try to match people up and off you go to BP to trade some karma. I'll be there with masks if people need them, and we'll try to bring the two donor characters as well. Maybe we can give away a few items from there as well.

If anyone has an idea for an event please let us know, and if there is anything in particular you need, like an elixir or two or a better weapon, don't be afraid to ask. We might not have what you need, but it never hurts to ask.

Oops! Change in play!!! Get your XP or Drop Cards cheaper this weekend. [I'll be buying XP cards!]

UPDATE: Sat, July 4th – 50% Off Exp. and Drop Bonus Item Cards
- Level up faster with these experience and drop boosters!
- One day only!

Second Update: For 24 hours on Saturday July 4th, we'll have a 2x experience boost.

- SpearDriver

This entry was posted on Wednesday, July 1, 2009 at Wednesday, July 01, 2009 and is filed under , , , , , , . You can follow any responses to this entry through the comments feed .


for gk it will be available my FC white warrior too

June 30, 2009 at 8:05 PM

Perfect! My AxeDriver character is right at that level, and could use a couple rounds of good karma....

July 1, 2009 at 10:14 AM

Hello SpearDriver, I am a regular reader of your blog, my char name is sandmik, we met like a week or 2 ago while grinding in the event in LD. I wonder if you remember :) I introduced myself as a reader of your blog. I am, like yourself, one of the working adults in this game :) I am putting together a small search engine specific for 9dragons (specifically for special characters/bosses in 9dragons and not long information) and since you are one of the people active in "blogging" I was wondering if you would consider adding it to your website as an extra feature to your site.It will have a nice feature to enable you to add contents to the engine and the engine will automatically draw maps of the target if you specify the x and y. Please contact me at wolves-pack[AT] Thank you.

July 1, 2009 at 3:00 PM

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